Alcoholism is a serious problem that could affect your health, job, relationships and the overall direction of your life. Alcohol can be quite a difficult form of addiction to recover. Sometimes patients find it difficult to be accepting of
Drugs are undeniably the most blatant of addiction problems. Drugs come in many forms and for those who think it is just heroin or cocaine; it is a much bigger issue. From sleeping pills, barbiturates and many more drugs,
Any form of substance abuse, be it from drugs or alcohol, can be detrimental to the body. It results to problems with the bodily functions; cause multiple organ anomalies and other kinds of problems. Addiction to substances is not
When it comes to addiction recovery, the most natural outcome is the desire to uplift the spirituality and develop a closer relationship with a higher being. Faith is a powerful aspect of the human existence. That, alone, separates man
The biggest challenge for someone with an addiction problem whether it be drugs, alcohol, food or sex is to realize that he or she has a problem. Accepting that there is a problem is the first step to Intervention
Sometimes, drugs are not the precursor to the addiction. In some cases, emotional and mental conditions lead one to use drugs that can help them address psychiatric issues. However, a person who uses drugs too often can have dependence
The inpatient rehab treatment offered by Dr Paul is the most comprehensive in the industry today. It is an effective way for the client to have a secure, dedicated and faster recovery from drug abuse and to strengthen their
Outpatient treatment Not everybody can afford to undergo inpatient rehab. It takes a lot of financial commitment to pursue. Aside from that, some people find being away from the family is much harder. Dr Paul offers an outpatient rehab
The rampancy of substance abuse has elevated in the past few decades and it has become widespread across the nation. Drug and alcohol abuse come in various forms and anyone can be affected by such conditions. Now, more than