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Here at Dr Paul’s we have our admission coordinators standing by to assist you and address all the questions that you need. We know that some people might still have a stigma of what a rehab looks. These ideas are dispelled once you visited our location in Palm Springs California, which is just a 2-hour drive from Los Angeles. You can also call us and we can brief you with whatever clarification or information you need about our services.

We utilize an innovative and integrative approach when it comes to substance abuse treatments and we make sure that the cost is a lot more convenient compared to the expensive recovery centers that offer comparable services.

What we do here at Dr Paul is make the pre screening process convenient and fast. We have an outstanding set of experts who will analyze the profile of each prospective resident to the center. We work closely with the family and the patient. Aside from that, we also work hand in hand with all the healthcare experts that are involved while the care and recovery process is being administered. We make sure that each resident transition smoothly into the center and this we make sure will be easy and less stressful for both family and the patient. We use a pre screening procedure since we also need to know if the patient can meet the criteria for the care levels we offer. We value your time and money and we make the necessary analysis to ensure that we can handle such conditions or if a more intensive, approach is necessary or if the patient needs intensive medical attention before heading to the recovery center.

We do not just choose anyone to handle the admissions for the programs. They are trained experts who have the experience. Most importantly, they also are very compassionate. They are there not to judge and make  decisions based on other qualifications. They are there to check if the level of care that the center offers can address the needs of the prospective resident of Dr Paul’s. We do our best to address your needs. You can make correspondence to us via email and we can set appointments and see if you think we offer the best possible service for your loved one. We accept insurance, credit cards as well as 3rd party payments. Make a call now and be on your way to the road to sobriety.